Welcome to my Author's Page! The goal here should be pretty clear—to introduce you to my stories and convince you to dash over to Amazon and purchase them. Also, since everyone should have a website by now, it meets that requirement, too.
The books are meant to entertain and give a little vicarious fun; maybe they'll help you pass a rainy day or forget a few of your troubles. The included tales have a little of everything.
- The Wolves stories begin with what seems to be a mystery but evolves into a First-Contact Science Fiction epic.
- Marius of Rome is totally different and stands alone. Since Marius was a real person from history, the story could almost be historical, but it's far from that. Instead, it includes romance, a fond travelogue of Italy along with a contemporary high-tech adventure. There are also a few cynical observations about politics and life, and some pretty deep thoughts about the meaning of it all. Go figure.
I hope you enjoy - there will be more to come; I'm sipping Chardonnay and dodging bullets even as we speak !
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So, I gave up the right to remain silent.
Before I was a writer, I had real jobs, you know. After part-time gigs delivering machine parts to coal mines and working at a car dealer, I became a police officer. There, I found I'd been right in planning my career; the job was not dull. When people called 9-1-1 I showed up, and, oh yeah, I had adventures. Our job description said to "handle it," so the rose-tinted glasses were knocked off and I learned a few things, some of which I'd rather not have known.
My adventures included tracking a burglar through the snow by the light of a full moon and pulling a dead body from under a train. I also found a missing two-year-old (alive and well) and kicked down doors in a burning apartment building. I was a good cop, even if I did wreck a few cars - sorry about that, Sarge.
I rescued a few damsels in distress during my time (that was a lot of fun), and even offered to shoot a few bad guys. For some reason, they never took me up on it - I guess the 'perps' (we didn't really call them that) believed me when I told them they would not like the consequences; one even jumped off a second story balcony.
After a while, I got tired of crashes, criminals and crises, so I nabbed another degree and went to work in Human Resources. HR was a day job with weekends off, but it could be stressful, since I was still dealing primarily with problems (harassment, terminations, poor performance), but at least no one tried to hit me over the head with a four-by-four. Every job I've ever had, people would tell me they'd never do what I did - I wonder about my choices sometimes. I kept at it and worked in HR for years in both hospitals & public utilities in Florida, Alaska & California.
Changing channels one more time, my goal is now to avoid trouble and spend time with my daughter. No criminals, anger management dropouts, or poor performers need apply. Also, to confuse the record, I'm writing a few things down. The police stuff and touring through Italy sounded way more interesting than HR (this could have been really boring...). Hopefully, my efforts will entertain (and even enlighten) any readers who wander by.
A reminder that some things in the books are real. I used to specialize in high-speed pursuits, I've been to the morgue on a cold winter morning, and I've talked to lots of scuffed-up people in ERs. But maybe things will balance out - I've also been to Rome, Venice, the Amalfi Coast and Capri, and watched fireflies in Tuscany. And remember that I may tend to exaggerate a bit, so you'll need to figure out what's real and what I made up - I invoke the right to remain silent again. That's why it's called fiction, folks.